Christian Science Healing
Christian Science is the scientific practice of divine healing that Jesus taught and practied in the Bible. A Christian Science practitioner is someone who devotes their full professional time to the prayerful study and application of the divine Principles of Christian Science. As a Christian Science practitioner, I am someone who is available full time to help you, and anyone who calls, through prayer that reliably results in healing. No issue is too big or too small; through prayerful treatments, together we can address financial issues, health issues, relationship issues, and more.
Treatment is based on the Bible and the principles explained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This treatment is based on the idea of one, all-good God, who loves and cares for each of us. Please feel free to get in touch with me by phone, by Skype, by email, or by filling out the contact form on this website. I look forward to hearing from you!